A n Osa Peninsula Real Estate Office
for People that need something more than a Costa Rica Real Estate
We are located in Puerto Jimenez and we specialyze on Properties in the Osa Peninsula
Our Phone is ( 506 )  2 735 56 26,  our Fax is ( 506 ) 2 735 56 48,  and our email is:
For Rent 
The sentence "...the most biodiverse place on the Earth..." had been used everytime somebody tryed to explain what the Osa Peninsula is . Who gave to the Osa this definition was The National Geographic magazine, after have registered many scientific investigation in Costa Rica and specially in this area.
In this Last Eden of less than 2000 square kilometres, that offer environment so different like: sandy beaches and rainforest, rivers and lagoons, open ocean islands and marsland palm forest, open prairies and the widest mangrove complex of Central America, hundred of bothanics, entomologists, herpetologists and all the specialyzed biologists of the world, find here material for their investigations and challenges in the registration of some astonishing new specie everyday.
So what means to achieve one Property here? Is not just becaming the owner of a piece of land and some trees on it, but is becaming the caretaker of a piece of the world's natural heritage. Oceanfront properties are visited several time per year by nesting Sea turtles, in the forests properties, hundred of different kind of orchids grow and flower thanks to thousand of insect and colibri that pollinate them, in the same streets of Puerto Jimenez, the main town of the Osa, flocks of scarlet macaws feed on the trees that grow in the gardens of the houses or in the beach front properties.
We, at The Osa Peninsula Properties, with few other Costa Rica Real Estate agencies, are strongly concerned about a too fast growing of the area without a common feeling of protection of the environment amongst the owners of the properties still to develop, and, always, we try to offer the most delicated ones to peoples interested mainly in conservation, rather than a huge concrete resort development.
This beautiful beach is the water front of a great 5 hectares property, located inside the Golfo Dulce, with easy road access, fresh water well, all the papers up to date for an easy and quick purchase.
The price is a real bargain, and if there is an interest for the realization of a wonderful eco-development, other 130 hectares are available in the back of these 600 mtetres Oceanfront strip    Ref.  CO- 01
 One big, old tree that host hodred of epifites plants on its branches. Trees like this are common in the forerst that are part of the lands on the hills of the central Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, south Pacific coast. photo of Giulio Ranalli>
	<span id=  A couple of Scarlet macaw is spending some time taking carte of each other feathers, while is perching onthe branches of a tal Chilamate, a tree of the Ficus family, that grows easya nd fast along the coast of the Osa PEninsula inthe South Pacific Area of Costa Rica.
If you are looking for
this is the
 We, at the The Osa Peninsula Real Estate Office,  think  that this is a Real Paradise. 
The Scarlet Macaw are abbundant here and common in the streets of Puerto Jimenez, while the Jaguar is present with an healthy population of more than 400 specimen in the dense Rainforest and this is the only area of Costa Rica where is possible to find the Squirrel Monkey and the other three species of monkeys that live inthe country.
World Record Gamefish are the everyday's catch of the Fishing Lodges's clients, specially in the open waters  of the Pacific Ocean, out of the Gulf, all around the Peninsula.
Along all the Coasts here around, every year, thousand of Sea turtles arrive for to lay their eggs in the warm sands of the desert beaches.
In the recent year several project aimed to protect the turtle during the nesting moment, and the eggs for the time they need to hatch, have helped this incredible animal to  reproduce safely.A lot of work is still to do for to increase the conscience of some local that still follow the tradition of collecting turtle eggs for to eat them, but things are going better.
Whale sharks are a common guest of the Golfo Dulce, the unique fiord of Costa Rica and the  Pacific coast of the  continent. This is one of only three  places in the World where they constantly gather. they are so friendly that is often possible to swim with them in total safety.
 This great egret had been photographed by Giulio Ranalli in a  lagoon on the border of Puerto Jimenez , a place crowded of caimans and a lot of species of birds, a nesting site for Cow egrets and White ibis, two spwecies of bird quite commons in the Osa Peninsula, in the south Pacific coast of Costa Rica  a great oceanfront property in Puerto jimenez downtown ! this land ahs approved Zoning Plan for Hotel development, and all the features for to be the first choice for an oculate investor that is looking for an high revenue oceanfront real estate  in the Golfo Dulce, Osa Peninsula, South Pacific coast of Costa Rica  This is the beach of a great oceanfront property in Puerto Jimenez downtown ! this land ahs approved Zoning Plan for Hotel development, and all the features for to be the first choice for an oculate investor that is looking for an high revenue oceanfront real estate  in the Golfo Dulce, Osa Peninsula, South Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Downtown  Land
for Hotel Development
 More than one hectare of Flat tiltled land with Zoning Plan for tourism development, at 500 metres from the air terminal, elctricity, phone,  pubblic water, cable TV, and just in front of the area where the new Crocodile Bay Marina will be built.
All the paper are upto date and ready for an easy purchase.
On one side of this Property, a  lagoon hosts crocodiles, fish and  turtles,
while on the trees along the banks, Ibis and Egrets nest in huge flocks, offering a great watching opportunity, directly from the windows of the future cabins.
The Zoning Plan allow to build more than 20.000 cubic metres of tourism related constructions, making of this one, the most interesting development property in the Whole Osa, considering the incredible price  of it.
 Ref. : Town Beach
Price : Ask for it and more detailed information.
Carate Last Beach Lot
Just at the end of the new pavemented Airstrip of Carate, that from this summer will receive direct fligth from S. Jose', this 2600 m2 lot, offer the possibility for to build a small lodging business, or a residential unit, with great view of the Ocean and the Beach.
Carate is the last place reachable with car, before the Corcovado Ntl. Park, so it  easy to understand how strategic is this position for the Bio-tourists that, always, come to see " the most biological intense place on Earth"
Ref. : Carate Last Lot
Price : 95.000 $
the surface of this land is flat, wih some softly sloped areas and a creek that run throught. Tthis land is part of a prize winner farm in the centre of the OSa Peninsula, at 15 minutes from the Golfo Dulce beach and few kilometres from the Corcovado National Park. a great real estate for anybody that is looking for a quiet retreat in the nature of the sout Pacific coast of Costa Rica  this land is part of a prize winner farm in the centre of the OSa Peninsula, at 15 minutes from the Golfo Dulce beach and few kilometres from the Corcovado National Park. a great real estate for anybody that is looking for a quiet retreat in the nature of the sout Pacific coast of Costa Rica
 Cut  Your Hectare of Dream Farm Land 
From a Farm that won the 2008 award as "Model Farm", is now possible, for a little while, cut and purchase few lots starting from one hectare at a price impossible to imagine just one year ago.
A natural spring inside the Farm, create a small creek that run across the possible lots, addig more beauty to this alreay perfect land.
The land is flat, with soft elevation and depression that create a great natural landscape.
Fully titled, at 300 metres fromt he newly pavemented main road, has easy road access, and elcrtric grid at 300 metres.
The closest beach is at less than 10 minutes drive, and Puerto Jimenez at 20 .
Contact us and tell us what  you would purchase, and we will be able to give you an exact evaluation of the cost of your dream land.
Ref. : PZ - 01-02-03


In Costa Rica the intensive agriculture ( coffe, pineapple, banana, rice, oil palm, etc.) have been the historical activity, together wit the extensive cattle breeding, and in the last century the dense rainforest that was covering almost all the country was cleared at an impressive rate per year, specially in the north-west area, the Guanacaste, where the deforestation has been so extended  and complete that the same climate have been dramatically changed, transforming that area of green lush forest to the almost pre-desertic environment that you can see today, completely deprived of the species of animal that were depending from the forest consistency.


Other areas of Costa Rica had a little bit more luck, due to the distance from the centre of the civilization hub and to the local weather. The surviving  virgin rainforest in the country are less than the 10% of the surface and the Osa Peninsula alone own almost half of them, making clear how important is the conservation of this natural resource.


Costa Rica Real Estate Agencies, normally offer a wide fan of possibilities, ranging from prestigious beachfront properties, or ocean front lots, to some hidden forest property, or houses facing breath-breaker tropical beaches, giving the idea that the whole country is still a complex of estate for sale.

Travelling across Costa Rica, you can see everywhere signs with the " property for sale " letters, on the fence of a piece of land that have been sold and bought, maybe three or four time in the last ten years, from the original Costarican owner to a foreigner, to another foreigner, etc., multiplying the price at each passage.

Be careful when, lured by the opportunity to buy a nice piece of land for a really cheap price, you enter in a deal with the " owner ", sometime people got " Planos Catastrados " of  pieces of land that are inside another titled property and you will loose your time and your money.

In the last years the fast growth of the Real Estate business in this area, lured every kind of people to became a " land seller", and now almost every hotel and restaurant owner offer "properties", and every taxi drivers has in his dash, at least, a couple of land plans to show to some naive client, and almost none of them has the lesser idea about the rules and laws that are involved in the titling process in the different zones that compose the Peninsula. For more information about this issue, please visit

our Blog


Golfo Dulce Real Estate, and specially here, in the Osa, is still a first level business; a waterfront property here, is still the private beach of some small farmer that live there with some cattle and some land where harvest some rice and beans for the typical food, having in the same piece of land, maybe, a " backyard " rainforest property that he can sell and use the income for to up rise his standard of life making some change in the farm, in the house or for to build a simple but nice Ocean Front House to rent to tourists.

And this is the biggest challenge : to develop the area in a way that will permit to the locals to enhance their life standard without destroying the environment and the traditional farmer culture.


For this reason the local price for a beach front property here, in the Costa Rica South Pacific, is still one quarter of a similar one in the most well known, but well deprived, tourism centres of other parts of the country.

So, buying a piece of land here around, a beach lot, a deep forest farm or a waterside land, along one of the hundred rivers that flow from the Corcovado Park's mountains, is a commitment with the higher concentration of biological mass of living beings in the world, Costa Rica really welcomes you if you understand this important issue and will act with the aim of integrate your Dream House or Lodge in this environment, conserving it for the new generations.



The Compromise of Land Owning  in The Osa 
You Already Own a Land in the Osa
and want to build a Beautiful and OsaTropic-Functional House ? 
 Visit :      www.rarewood.weworthweb.com
Do You Like Photography ?
We Have some Photots taken here around to show you.
 Visit :      www.giulio-ranalli-photography.com
 Best Deal Ever !!
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We will find what You Want!!
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